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Cooperative Extension, a division of the University of Wisconsin- Extension, connects people to the resources of the University of Wisconsin through offices in each of our state’s 72 counties.

Horticulture is defined as the art and science of growing plants- flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees and more! Research shows an intimate connection between people and plants. Fresh fruits and vegetables feed and nourish our bodies. Trees shade and cool the places we live. Flowers brighten our landscapes and, as research shows, our spirits, too. There is another side to horticulture, as well. Invasive pests destroy our natural resources at a large financial and environmental cost. The misuse and misunderstanding of pesticides causes pollution and health risks. Popular press and media also blurs fact and fiction pertaining to these subjects, causing confusion and making matters worse. A report printed in November 2010 Green Side Up predicts, nationally, lawn and garden consumable products (fertilizer, pesticides, growing media, seeds, mulch, and other related products) will reach $9 billion by 2014. As the demand for horticultural products increase, UW-Extension programs aid in finding the appropriate, most cost effective, environmentally sound solutions that is best for the individual.

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