Moving Forward During COVID-19 – Deciding Who, When & How

“Quaranteam”? “Double bubble”? These terms are showing up more and more in the media as individuals and families make decisions about when they will start to see other people again. In other families, questions are coming up about when and how it will be safe to get much needed support, like childcare or respite care.

The decision to see others or engage in activities is very personal. To help individuals and families think through these choices, Extension’s Life Span Program has developed a decision guide. The guide ( walks users through the decision-making process, helping you to weigh out your own risks and benefits of interacting with others in your home or in public spaces. Those who prefer a more interactive tool can download a worksheet and/or flowchart that will take you through a series of questions and considerations.

As always, we are eager to hear how our resources are being used. You can give us feedback by filling out this survey:

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