Pressure Canning Testing

The Extension Iowa County office offers FREE pressure canning testing for dial gauge canners. To learn more about the types of canners, click here.  Call 608-930-9850 or email to schedule your appointment!

We also have the following publications available, with instructions and research-based recipes to safely preserve your harvest:

  • Canning Vegetables Safely (B1159)
  • Canning Salsa Safely (B3570)
  • Canning  Meat, Wild Game, Poultry & Fish Safely (B3345)
  • Canning Fruits Safely (B0430)
  • Freezing Fruits & Vegetables (B3278)
  • Tomatoes Tart & Tasty (B2605)
  • Homemade Pickles & Relishes (B2267)
  • Making Jams, Jellies & Fruit Preserves (B2909)
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