Extension Hosting USDA Dairy Margin Coverage Program Update

The USDA began accepting applications for the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program October 17, 2022, for enrollment in 2023.  The DMC program is designed as a risk management program, offering protection between the milk price received and the average feed price for a farm.  This program is replacing the Dairy Margin Protection Program.  The deadline to apply for this program is December 9, 2022.  More information on the DMC program can be found on the Farm Service Agency’s website page at https://bit.ly/2023DMC.

UW-Madison Division of Extension will be hosting a virtual meeting featuring Leonard Polzin, Extension Dairy Markets Outreach Specialist.  Polzin will cover what a producer needs to know for the 2023 DMC sign-up.  He will walk-through changes to the DMC program that could affect current and previous years coverage of the program.  Polzin will discuss the DMC decision tool that was developed to help producers decide on the level of coverage necessary with a variety of conditions, to help determine the strongest financial safety net for their farm.

The program will be held on Wednesday, November 9th at 1:00 pm online utilizing the Zoom platform.  Please visit the WI Extension Events Calendar https://extension.wisc.edu/events/ to register for the meeting.  If you need assistance registering, please call the Green County Extension Office at 608-328-9440.

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