Palmer Amaranth Workshop

UW-Madison Division of Extension and the UW NPM program are sponsoring an educational workshop focused on Palmer amaranth identification, prevention, and control in WI grain cropping systems.  The workshop will take place at Woodworth Organic Farms (15556 Cty Rd W, Shullsburg, WI  53586).

Workshop Highlights: Identification of Palmer amaranth, characteristics of this plant, risk of infestation in your fields, systems on-farm control, and strategies to limit the spread.

There is no cost to attend.  Please bring a lawn chair and wear appropriate attire to be outside!  A $5 box meal will be provided at the completion of the educational program to grab and go or stay and continue the conversations.

To RSVP for the event, send a message to Josh Kamps by calling or texting to 608-516-7183, or by email at For a printable flyer, click here.

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