
The Importance of Family in the 4-H Program

4-H parents are a very important part of the 4-H member’s experience.  Parents are encouraged to attend club meetings, project meetings, and county events with their children.  Parents are also encouraged to volunteer to help with club project meetings or club activities whenever possible.  Children need their parents to support their commitment to 4-H, think through decisions, and take responsibility for their decisions.

Parents can show their child that they are interested in his or her 4-H experiences in many ways:

  • Be available when your child needs you for information, guidance, and support
  • Supervise your child’s project work, but don’t do the work for them
  • Praise your child’s efforts and progress on projects or other experiences
  • Comment on what is being learned instead of putting all of the emphasis on winning
  • Help your child learn that “doing your best” is more important than “being the best”
  • Be a role model
  • Whenever possible, volunteer your time and talents to lead or assist with meetings or other club or county activities
  • Work with other 4-H parents and adults to make sure 4-H policies and procedures are reflecting what’s best for the youth
  • Keep up-to-date on Iowa County 4-H happenings by reading the “Clover Connections” newsletter
  • Support the 4-H Youth Development Agent’s efforts to emphasize and promote the educational value of 4-H events and activities
  • Let 4-H leaders and other volunteers know you are appreciative of the time and effort they are contributing

Families can use 4-H activities to provide structured, quality family time in this hectic age that does not offer much spare time for such activities.  Listed below are some activities that parents can do with 4-H clubs:

  • Provide transportation for events
  • Share special skills or interests with members by serving as a project leader
  • Serve refreshments at club meetings or events
  • Advise a club committee
  • Help members determine a need in the community and then plan a community service project that addresses that need
  • Oversee brainstorming sessions for fundraising activities
  • Help with the production of a play, demonstration, or musical number for the cultural arts festival
  • Give leaders feedback about activities in the 4-H program

New 4-H Family Information

Enrolling in 4-H with 4H Online

Iowa County 4-H Family Guide

Support Extension