Wise Wisconsin Series Coming in February

UW-Madison Division of Extension’s Life Span program presents Wise Wisconsin Winter Series. Extension Faculty, staff and partners from around the state will host sessions on topics that will help you increase joy and satisfaction in your life, provide you with new skills and resources, and help you connect with others during the cold, snowy winter months. Grab a hot beverage of your choice and join us on Wednesdays at 9am on Zoom starting February 1st through March 8th. Below is a list of sessions and a link to register for the sessions you would like to attend. 

2/1/23 – Age related hearing loss: Strategies for adults with (or without!) hearing loss
2/10/23 – Do YOU know how Valuable you are? The power of connections!
2/15/23 – Be Scam Smart
2/22/23 – Bigger than a breadbox? the Biggest Breadbox Ever!
3/1/23 – Celebrate Nature
3/8/23 – Container Gardening  

For a printable flyer, click here. For detailed session information and to register go to https://aging.extension.wisc.edu/programs/wise-wisconsin-program/

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