Iowa County Master Gardeners



The Extension Master Gardener Program educates, empowers, and supports volunteers to use university research-based information to extend the Wisconsin Idea, making a positive difference in lives and communities.


Build with, not for: be inclusive with the people we want to see in the program.  Be culturally relevant. Have the community take part in the creation process.

Think globally, act locally: connect identified, local needs to statewide and national goals to better communicate value and impact of efforts; create resources at the global level and apply to local needs.

Meet people where they are at: create materials along a learning continuum to better serve people with a variety of life experiences; move away from the expert model of content delivery and create educational product for people to learn in different ways.

Be scholarly: use unbiased, university research based information for training and to guide our projects. Incorporate new, interdisciplinary research on the benefits of plants into our projects to address the needs of individuals and our communities

Have fun: incorporate best volunteer development practices to enhance program experiences. Remove unnecessary bureaucracy and rules.


To be a modern, meaningful, and measurable Extension program valued by volunteers, staff, and the communities we serve.

Interested in Becoming an Extension Volunteer in the Master Gardener Program?

You can find more information regarding the Master Gardener program, including how to join, what is involved, etc, by checking out the Master Gardener Program page of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension website here.


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