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Food Programs
Meals and Snacks from the Pantry – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. As you prepare your grocery list and plan your meals, check out this site for some Spend Smart. Eat Smart. recipes that can be made from pantry staples or made ahead and frozen.
Unit Pricing – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Unit pricing is a way to compare similar products to find the best value.
Call 211 or go to their website https://211wisconsin.communityos.org/ for current information on local resources.
Elderly Nutrition Congregate and home delivered meals are provided to help older persons remain healthy, active, and independent.
Call Seniors United for Nutrition (SUN) at (608) 930-9845 for information.

FoodShare Program FoodShare Helpline 1-877-366-3635
Purchase food at a grocery store with a plastic “SNAP Card”. Monthly benefit amounts are based on net income and household size. For more information and to apply, contact the Dept. of Social Services at 1-888-794-5780 or visit the web at www.access.wisconsin.gov
Free/Reduced School Meals Free and reduced priced breakfast and lunch programs are available at Iowa County Schools. Contact your child’s school for income guidelines and an application.
FoodWIse helps families improve their food security through education. Families of individuals who receive FoodShare (or who are eligible) can learn through FoodWIse. For more information, contact the Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette County FoodWIse Coordinator at 608-930-9856.
Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program WIC provides food and nutrition information to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants, and children under five years healthy and strong. Call the Southwest Wisconsin Community Action Program, Inc (SWCAP) at 608-935-2326 x204 or click here for more information.